Civilisation/List of US presidents

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Presidents of the United States
Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Party Affiliation Term Vice President Selected major events during presidency Main Opponent(s) at Election First lady Misc. Date of Death
1 George Washington 22 Feb 1732 Popes Creek, Virginia Independent 1789 - 1793 John Adams Bill of Rights (1789) / Supreme Court (1789) / First Bank of the United States (1791) n.a. Martha (née Dandridge, previously married to Daniel Custis) City of Washington founded (1791) / House at Mount Vernon 14 Dec 1799
George Washington 1793 - 1797 John Adams n.a.
2 John Adams 30 Oct 1735 Braintree, Mass. Federalist 1797 - 1801 Thomas Jefferson Library of Congress founded (1800) / Louisiana Purchase (1803) Thomas Jefferson Abigail (née Smith) House at Peacefield 4 July 1826
3 Thomas Jefferson 13 Apr 1743 Goochland County, Virginia Democratic-Republican 1801 -1805 Aaron Burr Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves (1807) John Adams Martha (née Wayles) Possibly had 6 children with slave Sally Hemings / House at Monticello 4 July 1826
Thomas Jefferson 1805 -1809 George Clinton Charles C. Pinckney
4 James Madison 16 Mar 1751 Port Conway, Virginia Democratic-Republican 1809 - 1813 George Clinton (1809/12) War of 1812 (1812-15) - White House and Capitol burned (1814) Charles C. Pinckney Dolley (née Todd) House at Montpelier 28 Jun 1836
James Madison 1813 - 1817 Elbridge Gerry (1813/14) DeWitt Clinton
5 James Monroe 28 Apr 1758 Westmoreland County, Virginia Democratic-Republican 1817 -1821 Daniel D. Tompkins 1st Seminole War (1817/18) / Missouri Compromise (1820) prohibiting slavery north of the 36°30′ parallel Rufus King Elizabeth (née Kortright) Monroe Doctrine opposing European colonialism in the Americas  (1823) 4 July 1831
James Monroe 1821 - 1825 n.a.
6 John Quincy Adams 11 Jul 1767 Braintree, Mass. Democratic-Republican 1825 - 1829 John C. Calhoun Andrew Jackson Louisa (née Johnson) Son of John Adams 23 Feb 1848
7 Andrew Jackson 15 Mar 1767 Waxhaw, South Carolina Democrat 1829 - 1833 John C. Calhoun (1829–32) Petticoat Affair scandal (1829) / Nat Turner's slave revolt (1831) / Black Hawk War (1832) / Whig Party formed (1834) John Quincy Adams Rachel (née Donelson) Assassination attempt by Richard Lawrence at Capitol on 30 Jan 1835 8 Jun 1845
Andrew Jackson 1833 - 1837 Martin Van Buren (1833–37) Henry Clay
8 Martin Van Buren 5 Dec 1782 Kinderhook, New York Democrat 1837 - 1841 Richard Mentor Johnson 'Panic of 1837' financial crisis William Henry Harrison / Hugh L. White Hannah (née Hoes) 24 Jul 1862
9 William Henry Harrison 9 Feb 1773 Charles City County, Virginia Whig 1841 (died in office) John Tyler Martin Van Buren Anna (née Symmes) Died after only 1 month in office 4 Apr 1841
10 John Tyler 29 Mar 1790 Charles City County, Virginia Whig 1841 - 1845 n.a. End of 2nd Seminole War (1835-1842) n.a. Letitia (née Christian) d. 1842 / Julia (née Gardiner) 18 Jan 1862
11 James Knox Polk 2 Nov 1795 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Democratic 1845 - 1849 George M. Dallas Annexation of Texas (1845) / Mexican - American War (1846 - 1848) /  California Gold Rush begins (1848) Henry Clay Sarah (née Childress) 15 Jun 1849
12 Zachary Taylor 24 Nov 1784 Orange County, Virginia Whig 1849 - 1850 Millard Fillmore Lewis Cass / Martin Van Buren Margaret (née Smith) Died in office 9 Jul 1850
13 Millard Fillmore 7 Jan 1800 Cayuga County, New York Whig 1850 - 1853 n.a. Compromise of 1850 between slave and free states inc Fugitive Slave Act n.a. Abigail (née Powers) 8 Mar 1874
14 Franklin Pierce 23 Nov 1804 Hillsborough, New Hampshire Democrat 1853 - 1857 William R. King

(Mar–Apr 1853)

Kansas–Nebraska Act (1854) overturns Missouri Compromise / 3rd Seminole War (1855-1858) Winfield Scott Jane (née Appleton) 8 Oct 1869
15 James Buchanan 23 Apr 1791 Cove Gap, Pennsylvania Democrat 1857 - 1861 John C. Breckinridge John Brown's Harpers Ferry raid (1859) / Confederate States of America formed Feb 1861 John C. Frémont / Millard Fillmore Unmarried 1 Jun 1868
16 Abraham Lincoln 12 Feb 1809 Hardin County, Kentucky Republican 1861-1865 Hannibal Hamlin American Civil War (1861-1865) / 13th Amendment abolishes slavery (1865) John C. Breckinridge Mary (née Todd) Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre, Washington DC 15 Apr 1865
Abraham Lincoln National Unity 1865 Andrew Johnson George B. McClellan
17 Andrew Johnson 29 Dec 1808 Raleigh, North Caroilna Democrat-Union 1865 - 1869 n.a. End of Civil War / Alaska purchased from Russia (1867) n.a. Eliza (née McCardle) 31 Jul 1875
18 Ulysses S. Grant 27 Apr 1822 Point Pleasant, Ohio Republican 1869 - 1873 Schuyler Colfax Amnesty Act (1872) / Yellowstone (1st National Park) (1872) / 'Panic of 1873' / Civil Rights Act (1875) / Battle of the Little Big Horn (1876) Horatio Seymour Julia (née Dent) Birth name: Hiram Ulysses Grant 23 Jul 1885
Ulysses S. Grant 1873 - 1877 Henry Wilson (1873-1875) Horace Greeley
19 Rutherford Burchard Hayes 4 Oct 1822 Delaware, Ohio Republican 1877 - 1881 William A. Wheeler End of Reconstruction / Great Railroad Strike (1877) Samuel J. Tilden Lucy (née Webb) (aka 'Lemonade Lucy' 17 Jan 1893
20 James Abram Garfield 19 Nov 1831 Orange, Ohio Republican 1881 Chester A. Arthur Winfield S. Hancock Lucretia (née Rudolph) Assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau at Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station, Washington DC 19 Sep 1881
21 Chester Alan Arthur 5 Oct 1829 Fairfield, Vermont Republican 1881 - 1885 n.a. Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) n.a. Ellen (née Herndon) 18 Nov 1886
22 Grover Cleveland 18 Mar 1837 Caldwell, New Jersey Democrat 1885 - 1889 Thomas A. Hendricks (1885) Haymarket massacre, Chicago (1886) James G. Blaine Frances (née Folsom) m.1886 24 Jun 1908
23 Benjamin Harrison 20 Aug 1833 North Bend, Ohio Republican 1889 - 1893 Levi P. Morton Wounded Knee massacre (1890) Grover Cleveland Caroline ( née Scott) d.1892 13 Mar 1901
24 Grover Cleveland 18 Mar 1837 Caldwell, New Jersey Democrat 1893 - 1897 Adlai Stevenson Plessy v Ferguson (1896) establishes "separate but equal" racial segregation Benjamin Harrison / James B. Weaver Frances (née Folsom) Only President to serve non-consecutive terms 24 Jun 1908
25 William McKinley 29 Jan 1843 Niles, Ohio Republican 1897 - 1901 Garret Hobart (1897–1899) Spanish-American War (1898) William Jennings Bryan Ida (née Saxton) Assassinated by Leon Czolgosz at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo 14 Sep 1901
William McKinley 1901 Theodore Roosevelt (1901) William Jennings Bryan
26 Theodore Roosevelt 27 Oct 1858 New York City Republican 1901 - 1905 n.a. Bureau of Investigation (BOI) founded (1908) - becomes FBI in 1935 n.a. Alice (née Lee) d. 1884​

Edith (née Carow)

Youngest person to become President (not youngest to be elected) / Nobel Peace Prize (1906) for role in ending Russo-Japanese War 6 Jan 1919
Theodore Roosevelt 1905 - 1909 Charles W. Fairbanks Alton B. Parker
27 William Howard Taft 15 Sep 1857 Cincinnati, Ohio Republican 1909 - 1913 James S. Sherman


Dollar Diplomacy' - use of economic rather than military power to further US aims / 16th Amendment introduces income tax William Jennings Bryan Helen (née Herron) Famously had a very large bath installed in the White House to cope with his girth 8 Mar 1930
28 Woodrow Wilson 28 Dec 1856 Staunton, Virginia Democrat 1913 - 1917 Thomas R. Marshall First World War / 18th Amendment introduces prohibition (1919) / 19th Amendment gives women the vote (1920) Theodore Roosevelt Ellen (née Axson) d. 1914)

Edith (née Bolling) m. 1915

Nobel Peace Prize (1919) for  proposing League of Nations which US then refused to join 3 Feb 1924
Woodrow Wilson 1917 - 1921 Charles Evans Hughes
29 Warren Gamalial Harding 2 Nov 1865 Corsica, Ohio Republican 1921 - 1923 Calvin Coolidge Emergency Quota Act (1921) restricts immigration / Teapot Dome scandal James M. Cox Florence (née Kling) Died in office 2 Aug 1923
30 Calvin Coolidge 4 Jul 1872 Plymouth, Vermont Republican 1923 - 1925 n.a. Immigration Act (1924) stopped immigration from Asia and set quotas on immigration from the Eastern Hemisphere n.a. Grace (née  Goodhue) 5 Jan 1933
Calvin Coolidge Republican 1925 - 1929 Charles G. Dawes John W. Davis / Robert M. La Follette
31 Herbert Hoover 10 Aug 1874 West Branch, Iowa Republican 1929 - 1933 Charles Curtis Start of Great Depression (1929) Al Smith Lou (née Henry) 20 Oct 1864
32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 30 Jan 1882 Hyde Park, New York Democrat 1933 - 1937 John Nance Garner 'New Deal' / Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA - 1933) / 21st Amendment repeals prohibition (1933) / Neutrality Act (1935) prohibits sale of weapons to warring nations / Lend-Lease Act (1941) / Pearl Harbor (1941) - Second World War Herbert Hoover Eleanor (née Roosevelt) Assassination attempt by Giuseppe Zangara in Miami (1933 - before first inauguration) / Died in office 12 Apr 1945
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1937 - 1941 John Nance Garner Alf Landon
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1941 - 1945 Henry A. Wallace Wendell Willkie
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1945 Harry S. Truman Thomas E. Dewey
33 Harry S. Truman 8 May 1884 Lamar, Missouri Democrat 1945 - 1949 n.a. CIA created (1947) / Ends racial discrimination in the military (1948) / Berlin Airlift (1948) /  Recognises State of Israel 11 minutes after it declared itself a nation (1948) / McCarthyism / Korean War (1950 -1953) n.a. Bess (née Wallace) Assassination attempt by Puerto Rican nationalists Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo  at Blair House on 1 Nov 1950 whilst White House being renovated 26 Dec 1972
Harry S. Truman 1949 - 1953 Alben W. Barkley Thomas E. Dewey / Strom Thurmond
34 Dwight David Eisenhower 14 Oct 1890 Denison, Texas Republican 1953 - 1957 Richard Nixon Interstate Highway System (1956) Adlai Stevenson II Mamie (née Doud) 28 Mar 1969
Dwight David Eisenhower 1957 - 1961 Adlai Stevenson II
35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy 29 May 1917 Brookline, Mass. Democrat 1961 - 1963 Lyndon B. Johnson Peace Corps created (1961) / Bay of Pigs (1961) / Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) / Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963) Richard Nixon Jacqueline (née Bouvier) Youngest person to be elected President / 1st Catholic elected President / Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas 22 Nov 1963
36 Lyndon Baines Johnson 27 Aug 1908 Stonewall, Texas Democrat 1963 - 1965 n.a. Civil Rights Acts (1964 & 1968) / Voting Rights Act (1965) / Medicare & Medicaid (1965) / Vietnam War (1965-1975) n.a. Claudia 'Lady Bird' (née Taylor) 22 Jan 1973
Lyndon Baines Johnson 1965 - 1969 Hubert Humphrey Barry Goldwater
37 Richard Milhous Nixon 9 Jan 1913 Yorba Linda, California Republican 1969 - 1973 Spiro Agnew (1969–Oct 1973) 1st manned moon landing (1969) / Strategic Arms Limitation (SALT I 1972) / Roe V Wade abortion legislation (1973) / Watergate Scandal (1972-1974) Hubert Humphrey / George Wallace Patricia (née Ryan) Resigned from office 8 Aug 1974 (1st President to do so) 22 Apr 1994
Richard Milhous Nixon 1973 - 1974 Gerald Ford George McGovern
38 Gerald Ford 14 Jul 1913 Omaha, Nebraska Republican 1974 - 1977 Nelson Rockefeller (1974–1977) Proclamation 4311 grants Nixon a full and unconditional pardon (8 Sep 1974) / End of Vietnam War (1975) / Bi-centennial celebrations (1976) n.a. Elizabeth 'Betty' (née Bloomer; formerly Warren) Birth name:  Leslie Lynch King / Assassination attempts by  Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme and  Sara Jane Moore (both 1975) 26 Dec 2006
39 Jimmy Carter 1 Oct 1924 Plains, Georgia Democrat 1977 - 1981 Walter Mondale Camp David Accords (1978) / Iran hostage crisis (1979-1981) / SALT II (1979) Gerald Ford Rosalynn (née Smith) Nobel Peace Prize (2002) for "decades" of peace work

Longest-lived president in U.S. history and the first to reach the age of 100

29 Dec 2024
40 Ronald Reagan 6 Feb 1911 Tampico, Illinois Republican 1981 - 1985 George H. W. Bush Iran-Contra affair (1986) / Space Shuttle 'Challenger' disaster (1986) / Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF 1988) Jimmy Carter / John B. Anderson Nancy (née Davis). He was previously married to actress Jane Wyman Assasination attempt by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C. (1981) 5 Jun 2004
Ronald Reagan 1985 -1989 George H. W. Bush Walter Mondale
41 George Herbert Walker Bush 12 Jun 1924 Milton, Mass. Republican 1989 - 1993 Dan Quayle Gulf War (1990-1991) / Rodney King verdict riots (1992) Michael Dukakis Barbara (née Pierce) 30 Nov 2018
42 Bill Clinton 19 Aug 1946 Hope, Arkansas Democrat 1993 - 1997 Al Gore North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA 1993) / Monica Lewinsky scandal (1996) George H. W. Bush /  Ross Perot Hillary (née  Rodham)
Bill Clinton 1997 -2001 Bob Dole / Ross Perot
43 George Walker Bush 6 Jul 1946 New Haven, Connecticut Republican 2001 - 2005 Dick Cheney 9/11 terrorist attacks (2001) / Patriot Act (2001) / Invasion of Afghanistan (2001) / Invasion of Iraq (2003) / Financial Crisis (2007-2008) Al Gore Laura (née Welch) Son of George H. W. Bush
George Walker Bush 2005 - 2009 John Kerry
44 Barack Obama 4 Aug 1961 Honolulu, Hawaii Democrat 2009 - 2013 Joe Biden Affordable Care Act (ACA) (aka Obamacare) (2010) / Killing of Osama Bin Laden (2011) / same-sex marriage legalized nationwide (2015) John McCain Michelle (née Robinson) 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Barack Obama 2013 - 2017 Mitt Romney
45 Donald Trump 14 Jun 1946 Queens, New York City Republican 2017 - 2021 Mike Pence United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA 2018) replaces NAFTA / Abraham Accords joint normalization statements between Israel, United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain (2020) / COVID-19 pandemic (2020) Hillary Clinton Melania (née Knauss) / previous wives: 

Ivana Zelníčková & Marla Maples

46 Joe Biden 20 Nov 1942 Scranton, Pennsylvania Democrat 2021 - 2025 Kamala Harris American Rescue Plan Act (2021) / Withdrawal from Afghanistan (2022) Donald Trump Jill (née Jacobs) / previous wife 

Neilia Hunter d 1972

Oldest president in American history
47 Donald Trump 14 Jun 1946 Queens, New York City Republican 2025 - JD Vance Kamala Harris Melania (née Knauss) / previous wives: 

Ivana Zelníčková & Marla Maples