
WikiQuiz.org is the platform for live quizzes, exams and tests, that allows free-text answering rather than being constrained to multiple choice.

Main pages

Who is it for?

How it works...

  1. Write your quiz/exam/test in a spreadsheet e.g.: Google Sheets
  2. Make sure it has the headings Num, Q and A in row 1
  3. Head to Upload and follow the instructions


Results are ready almost as soon as the quiz/exam/test finishes – the marking and administration tool quickly learns correct and wrong answers as they are being entered.

When the administrator/setter chooses, they can allow the participants who have finished to view the answers and learn from any mistakes.

Rich formatting of questions, with pictures, audio and video is available.

A live leaderboard can be shown at the end of the quiz/exam/test or to anybody not taking part.


WikiQuiz.org is an evolving product. We are happy to hear from anyone about use of this service.

We'll never share your email.